Circus Freaks Anonymous
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Greetings! Empty Greetings!

Post by MistyFye Tue May 04, 2010 11:39 am

Greetings everyone,

I figured after signing up a little while ago I'd finally make a post and introduce myself. I go by two stage names "Carni Val" for my burlesque and vaudeville style and also "Misty Fye". Misty Fye is an unbreakable porcelain doll who performs feats of pain and endurance.

I perform in the GTA mainly and just enjoy the scene. I look forward to meeting some fellow artists, learning more tricks and so on and so forth.

Look forward to talking with you all,



Number of posts : 4
Age : 36
Location : Toronto
Circus Skills : Sideshow, Fire Eating, Blockhead, Bed of Nails, Glass Eating, etc
Registration date : 2010-03-08

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